Journal of Nanomaterials

Publisher: Hindawi Publishing Corporation |  Publishing Format: Other   | Impact Factor:

The overall aim of the Journal of Nanomaterials is to bring science and applications together on nanoscale and nanostructured materials with emphasis on synthesis, processing, characterization, and applications of materials containing true nanosize dimensions or nanostructures that enable novel/enhanced properties or functions. It is directed at both academic researchers and practicing engineers. Journal of Nanomaterials will highlight the continued growth and new challenges in nanomaterials science, engineering, and nanotechnology, both for application development and for basic research.


Nanomaterials, Nanotechnology journal, Nanoengineering journal

Publication Format:  Other

Editor in Chief
Ilaria Armentano
Country:  Italy


Please refer to the original journal website for accurate and up to date information.

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