IEEE Communications Letters

Publisher: IEEE |  Publishing Format: Subscriptio   | Impact Factor:

IEEE Communications Letters publishes high-quality short papers that are focused on theoretical and experimental advances in the general area of communications. IEEE Communications Letters is committed to ensure a timely, rigorous, and unbiased peer-review process for all submitted manuscripts. IEEE Communications Letters follows both a regular and a double-blind review process. Papers published in IEEE Communications Letters are eligible for the Heinrich Hertz Award for Best Communications Letters, which is given to an outstanding manuscript published in IEEE Communications Letters during the previous 3 calendar years.


theoretical advances, experimental advances, communications, Network Coding, Quantum Communications, Wireless Personal Communications, Software engineering journal

Publication Format:  Subscriptio

Editor in Chief
M. Di Renzo
Country:  France

Country: USA


Please refer to the original journal website for accurate and up to date information.

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