Russian Meteorology and Hydrology

Publisher: Springer Verlag |  Publishing Format: Other   | Impact Factor:

Russian Meteorology and Hydrology is a peer reviewed journal. We use a single blind peer review format. Our team of reviewers includes over 130 experts. The average period from submission to first decision in 2018 was 30 days, and that from first decision to acceptance was 300 days. The rejection rate for submitted manuscripts in 2018 was 30%. The final decision on the acceptance of an article for publication is made by the Editorial Board. Any invited reviewer who feels unqualified or unable to review the manuscript due to the conflict of interests should promptly notify the editors and decline the invitation. Reviewers should formulate their statements clearly in a sound and reasoned way so that authors can use reviewer’s arguments to improve the manuscript. Personal criticism of the authors must be avoided.


Meteorology , Hydrology, Hydrology journal, Meteorology journal

Publication Format:  Other

Editor in Chief
Vasily V. Asmus
Country:  Russian

Springer Verlag
Country: Russian


Please refer to the original journal website for accurate and up to date information.

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