Soft Robotics

Publisher: Mary Ann Liebert |  Publishing Format: Open Access   | Impact Factor:

Multidisciplinary in scope, SoRo combines advances in biomedical engineering, biomechanics, mathematical modeling, biopolymer chemistry, computer science, and tissue engineering to provide comprehensive coverage of new approaches to constructing devices that can undergo dramatic changes in shape and size in order to adapt to various environments. This new technology delivers vital applications for a variety of purposes, including surgery, assistive healthcare devices, search and rescue in emergency situations, space instrument repair, mine detection, and more.


Robotics, Robotics journal, Computer science engineering journal, Tissue engineering journals, Chemistry journal

Publication Format:  Open Access

Editor in Chief
Barry A. Trimmer
Country:  USA

Mary Ann Liebert
Country: USA


Please refer to the original journal website for accurate and up to date information.

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