International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering

Publisher: Walter de Gruyter GmbH |  Publishing Format: Other   | Impact Factor:

The International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering (IJCRE) publishes significant research and scholarship in the broad fields of theoretical and applied reactor engineering. The mandate of the journal is to assemble high quality papers from the broad research spectrum covered by modern reactor engineering. The range of topics includes single-phase and multi-phase reactor design, operation and control, new chemical reactor concepts, fluid mechanics and fluid dynamics, computational fluid dynamics, catalysis, low and high pressure and temperature operation, environmental and economical implications, as well as topics drawn from the substantial areas of overlap between reaction and reactor engineering.


Chemical Engineering, Chemical engineering journal

Publication Format:  Other

Editor in Chief
Hugo de Lasa
Country:  Canada

Walter de Gruyter GmbH
Country: Germany


Please refer to the original journal website for accurate and up to date information.

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